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With conflicts sprouting up across the globe, it’s only a matter of time before the next unthinkable event occurs. Unfortunately, there’s nothing you can do to prevent those disasters from taking place. What you can do is take proactive steps to ensure that you and your family are safe no matter what unfolds. The decision to build an underground shelter is by no means an easy one. But once you decide to move forward with such a project, you should make sure the shelter you build will give your family maximum security – without compromising on comfort. Blast-proof doors are essential components of any serious underground shelter. These doors ensure that your family and prized possessions are secure in any emergency situation. Strong blast doors make sure that no radiation or otherwise contaminated air compromises the quality of the air inside your shelter.

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No matter what your specific needs are, the Bee Safe Security, Inc. team is ready to help meet them. When you work with us, you can be confident knowing you’ll be able to provide security for your family in any imaginable scenario.

When you start to design your underground shelter, you’re going to have to decide what precise features you want it to have. Blast doors are one component you shouldn’t forget to include.

Our blast door catalog includes the following:

NWSS-VBD-10 Maroon Vault Door — Made completely of steel and concrete, these formidable blast doors will protect your family from nuclear, biological and chemical attacks. The door’s case metal is bent instead of cut in order to guarantee maximum integrity. Believe it or not, these doors are easy to install, and we pour the concrete that fortifies them onsite.

Lunor PT-3 — These blast doors feature removable lever locks on both sides, as well as internal levers with locking pins that ensure the door doesn’t accidentally open under any circumstances. The Lunor PT-3 is designed according to the specifications of the Switzerland Office of Civil Defense.

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Since 1990, the professional technicians at Bee Safe Security Inc. have built nothing but the best underground shelters for our customers. Custom sizes and options are available upon request. We are the master distributors for NWSS Northwest Shelter Systems and they have their own full service manufacturing plant and are capable of fabricating almost any security component you can think of. Call our offices and speak to one of our specialist about special orders (208)267-0000. Our expert staff will help see your project through from conception to completion, so you end up with the exact underground shelter you envision.

When you start to design your underground shelter, you’re going to have to decide what precise features you want it to have. Blast doors are one component you shouldn’t forget to include.

Our blast door catalog includes the following:

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