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To make sure that your family is protected in any event, you need to take proactive steps so you can be prepared for anything. One of the best ways to do that is by building an underground bomb shelter on your property. While there’s nothing you can do to prevent natural or nuclear disasters from occurring, a bomb shelter can help you put your family in a safe position no matter what happens. By building a hardened fallout shelter, not only are you going above and beyond to protect your family, but you’re also ensuring that they will be comfortable in any imaginable scenario.

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If you’re looking for a hardened fallout shelter, you’ve come to the right place. Since 1990, our team of professionals has built underground nuclear fallout shelters for clients living all across North America. Our engineers have worked on properties in all kinds of climates. As a result, you can be confident knowing their recommendations will be unique and make the most sense for your home. We now offer a variety of consulting packages to help you through the building of your own shelter. We consult with you and your contractor to make sure you get the very best security and protection to keep you and your family safe. After you’ve decided to build a hardened structure to provide your family with an extra layer of security, our team of experts will advise you every step of the way. We’ll see your project through from conception to completion, (depending on the consulting package you choose) so your shelter will be built to your exact specifications.

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At Bee Safe Security, Inc., we pride ourselves on delivering a level of service customers have never experienced before. We understand how important home security is to you and your family, and we work to make sure we consistently accomplish our objectives. We also understand how private your security needs are, so we let you choose your contractor. Our employees will consult with you and your contractor to build your hardened shelter, making sure all the right safety and security measures are installed correctly. When you work with us, we strive to make sure your location, your plans and your family will remain completely confidential. Contact us today at 208-267-0000. Our team will help you design and build the hardened shelter that protects your family in any scenario life throws your way.

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